I keep getting an error message saying 'Your username or password was not found in the system.'
Click on 'username' or 'password' within the 'Forgot my username or password' located below the Password field.
Click on 'username' or 'password' within the 'Forgot my username or password' located below the Password field.
Be sure to enter your password with the correct capitalization (for example; Apple vs. apple is treated differently). Click 'password' within the 'Forgot your username or password' if you do not remember the correct capitalization.
Your account does not have a unique email address. Please contact your administrator for the correct username information. (We strongly recommend that each account have its own email address)
No. You can reset your password as many times as you would like.
For security purposes, all usernames must conform to our new login requirements (at least 6 characters long and cannot be all numbers). When prompted to update your username; enter a new username in the 2 fields on the update form. (Remember: you will use your updated username the next time you login)
Try using the 'Forgot your username or password' option. If you do not have success recovering your username or password please contact your administrator and ATI will help restore your account. (Remember: make note of any changes you make to your account since a change can affect your ability to login successfully)